What is Masters in luxury brand management?

What is a Master's in luxury brand management?


The Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Luxury Brand Management is a two-year, full-time course that can be completed in 3 years. The course includes both core and elective modules, with special focus on marketing and business strategy. You will learn to develop strategies for the luxury brands you manage, launching new products and services as well as managing sales channels globally.

Who can do luxury brand management?

If you’re a student, this degree is perfect for you. If you have a passion for fashion, then the career path of luxury brand management is right up your alley. You can learn about the business strategies behind luxury brands and how they operate at an international level through this MBA program.

If youre an experienced professional in marketing or retailing, this masters will help broaden your knowledge base and give you new ways to think creatively about how to grow your company's brand awareness. If a career in marketing or retailing sounds good but the idea of going back for another degree isn't appealing then the Masters in Luxury Brand Management might just be what you're looking for!

To sum things up: anyone who wants to work within the fashion industry could find themselves benefiting from this coursework!

Is luxury brand management a good career?

The answer to that question is a resounding yes. Although the economy has been weak in recent years, the luxury sector has been booming. There are many jobs available for people with a background in luxury brand management and there is expected to be continued growth of this sector for the foreseeable future.

According to Forbes magazine (June 9, 2012), "The global market for luxury goods and services was $448 billion in 2011." And that number is expected to rise steadily over the next few years as more people around the world have money to spend on high-end products and services.

What can I do with MBA in luxury brand management?

As a graduate with a Masters in Luxury Brand Management, you can find jobs in marketing, sales, finance and operations. You can also work in luxury retail or hotels. You can even work for the luxury industry itself or for one of their suppliers. You could even start your own business!

What are the jobs after luxury brand management?

Luxury brand management is a niche field that prepares you for a variety of roles in the luxury industry. The jobs are mostly in marketing, sales and operations roles, such as:

  • Brand Manager

  • Product Developer

  • Product Marketing Manager

  • Sales Assistant (Sales Representative)

  • Merchandising Manager

How long is the luxury brand management course?

Depending on the school and program, you could expect to complete your master's degree in three to five years (and possibly more). The length of your program will vary depending on whether it's full-time or part-time, how long it takes you to complete your undergraduate degree, and whether or not you choose a thesis option. If you're in a full-time program, for example, and have already completed an undergraduate degree at another school before entering a luxury brand management master's program at another institution—or if this is the second master's you're completing—your coursework may take longer than other students' since they don't have as much prior knowledge.

If there isn't a specific time frame associated with your school's program (or if they don't offer one), ask about how long similar students typically need to finish their education. That way, at least if something unexpected comes up later down the line (e.g., illness), then at least some progress has been made by that point!


According to the survey, luxury brand management is an excellent career option for those who want to pursue their career in the field of luxury goods. The job prospects are promising since this field is expected to grow at a faster rate than others. It is also highly rewarding as it offers high salaries and perks like free travel